David Woods
Man this guy is ugly!

David is the heart of the team, he put it alllllll together after Andrew and Michael said that they wanted to form a skate team. He does the web page, he has the digital camera, he has the video camera and the video camera editing tools. He's getting T-shirts for them and all the important shit. Unfortunately, David can't skate, he's got to be the worst skater in the entire world. If he was on a board, and ran over a fly, most probably he'd end up breaking his back in 3 different places. The only thing is good at is waterskiing and computers, oh and a bit of motorbiking here and there. Basically, if David wasn't here, this page wouldn't be here and Mayhem would be just a dream! He lives in Frankston and he's got a girlfriend (Sorry ladies!). She is the greatest chick around and the best looking! Her name is Sarah, they have been going out for 7 months now and are still going strong.

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